1. Secret happiness which is steady but beautifully delicate. 2. Three minutes of happiness borrowed from a dog 3. Traditional laying down happiness 4. The happiness which comes from staring at a rock 5. Happiness blended with a mysterious sadness 6. The strange happiness associated with seeing a meteorite or a shooting star 7. Diffuse, residual happiness from rhythmic tasks such as washing the dishes
When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.
Ontem às onze fumaste um cigarro encontrei-te sentado ficámos para perder todos os teus eléctricos os meus estavam perdidos por natureza própria
Andámos dez quilómetros a pé ninguém nos viu passar excepto claro os porteiros é da natureza das coisas ser-se visto pelos porteiros
Olha como só tu sabes olhar a rua os costumes
O Público o vinco das tuas calças está cheio de frio e há quatro mil pessoas interessadas nisso
Não faz mal abracem-me os teus olhos de extremo a extremo azuis vai ser assim durante muito tempo decorrerão muitos séculos antes de nós mas não te importes não te importes muito nós só temos a ver com o presente perfeito corsários de olhos de gato intransponível maravilhados maravilhosos únicos nem pretérito nem futuro tem o estranho verbo nosso
Mário Cesariny
Faz-se luz pelo processo de eliminação de sombras Ora as sombras existem as sombras têm exaustiva vida própria não dum e doutro lado da luz mas do próprio seio dela intensamente amantes loucamente amadas e espalham pelo chão braços de luz cinzenta que se introduzem pelo bico nos olhos do homem
Por outro lado a sombra dita a luz não ilumina realmente os objectos os objectos vivem às escuras numa perpétua aurora surrealista com a qual não podemos contactar senão como amantes
de olhos fechados e lâmpadas nos dedos e na boca
Mário Cesariny
fotografia da minha autoria (Carol)
I am coming to terms with the fact that loving someone requires a leap of faith, and that a soft landing is never guaranteed
Sarah Dessen
Everywhere is within walking distance if you have the time.
so once you've killed the minotaur how you gonna find your way out of the maze here the jealous hand of bitter men carve the meat before the table is laid and they are hungry, they are hungry for you and they are hungry, they are hungry for you
with an appetite so insatiable they are hungry, they are hungry for you the warm thread of love leads you to freedom once the hero's deed is done you leave her lying without a parasol in the slow solitaire sun and she is hungry, she is hungry for you and she is hungry, she is hungry for you
with an appetite so generous she is hungry, she is hungry for you no surrender to a lover or the wars of the news of many blisses to uncover a black sail billows, the sun hits a blade and you are hungry, you are hungry for you and you are hungry, you are hungry for you with an appetite so dangerous you are hungry, you are hungry for you
She wears her feelings like a torch, iluminating the circle that encloses her. Slowly she burns the air still left inside. Slowly she kills whom she loves so much. "Is there anybody out there?" She's guiding herself to oblivion. Is there anybody left to believe in?
"How do I say goodbye to someone I never really had? Why do my tears fall so endlessly for someone who was never really mine? Why is it I miss someone I was never really with? And why do I love someone whose love was never really mine?"